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梅丹理(Denis Mair),美国诗人,译者,俄亥俄州立大学中文硕士。曾担任美国宾州大学东亚语文系讲师,台湾天人研究院任讲师、译者,现任美国中坤公司翻译顾问、台湾日月潭涵静书院院务委员、北京大学诗歌研究院研究员。学术译作包括冯友兰的《三松堂全集自序》(Hall of Three Pines)、真华法师的《参学琐谭》(In Search of the Dharma)、朱朱的《灰色狂欢》(Gray Carnival). 诗歌翻译包括《麦城诗选》(Selected Poems of Mai Cheng, Shearsman Books); 吉狄马加的《黑色狂欢曲》(Rhapsody in Black); 骆英的《文革记忆》(Memories of the Cultural Revolution, 俄克拉荷马大学出版社, 2015)等. 他翻译的当代诗人还包括严力、阎志、孟浪。其个人英文诗集Man Cut in Wood于2004年由洛杉矶Valley Contemporary Poets出版。



                          王浩  中译

by Denis Mair

   It's not easy to address you. There is so much going on within you, yet you present no form. You are the ground under the feet of things. You are not just a neutral featureless groundstuff. Any ground from which things emerge must be fertile. Being fertile means that you have secrets of internal circulation. You have tendrilled rootlets, you have a tangle of fibers like a blanket of horsehair felt. You have interlocking metabolic cycles; you balance thousands of enzyme reactions in homeostasis. How can I start telling about what has already been accomplished---all the things we take as given when we make our departures? You are not some homogenous, dark, passive stuff. You differ according to the platform that has been achieved. You are a quilt made with a hundred patches of cloth, but in sleep we only feel your warmth. You differ in all your ways of mothering us. Sometimes you are the formal matrix, where we solve the new formula or postulate an elegant theorem. When we understand the new theorem, we see it was built into your matrix of rules from the start. Sometimes you enclose us in your incubation chamber, feeding our embryonic ferment with your richness, and isolating us from the storms and shocks outside. When we stay too long, this is not always good for us.

   You are as busy inside as the snow on a television screen. But your snow is not seen, because all the dots follow each other within you. You have completed the community of your inner agents; you have tied the strands of flow together; you have joined the knots into a carpet for our feet.

   You exist as the celtic knot of living fabric. The moment when your labyrinth came together must have been accompanied by a breakthrough of light, but we cannot see past your "darkness." 

   In one of its wonderfully elliptical insights, the BOOK OF CHANGES characterizes you as something "simple" that "clumps together." This simplicity means you are so well woven we come along and simply use you as a fabric. You "clump together" because integration is what you eternally offer.

   The macramé knot of life could not have been tied easily. Normally, in our flashy, fleshly theater of consciousness, we see only a few strands getting tied together. In our theory of evolution, we say they are tied together because they are of use to each other. But the basic metabolism of life is made of thousands of strands. Each strand is an enzyme cycle---a feedback loop that takes energy from metabolites or builds a protein. Each strand depends on the others, but if a loop is not closed, its 95%- complete cycle is useless to the others. Once they were tied together, they became reliable germ plasm for the phylogenetic tree. The coalescence of cellular protoplasm is the hidden prelude to the panoply of evolution that fills niches and expresses a myriad forms. What a flash of light must have accompanied the moment when it came together! So some would say that the living fabric was conceived by Qian the Creative. But looking further toward the source, below that flash of light, what a deep matrix of concentration must have been accomplished to let Nature’s insight flash forth! Below every breakthrough there is a deep Kun matrix of samadhi. Samadhi is the intuitive, imaginary weaving that conceives the eventual weaving of threads. 

   And there is no limit to how deep that samadhi-concentration goes. Below the integration of an individual mind is Nature’s integration that allows intelligent beings to arise. And below that is the great samadhi of the universe that conceived the laws of matter. 

   The substrate of matter is not a collection of neutral building blocks: it is full of countless enabling tricks. The interlocking scheme of elements was a breakthrough that paved the way for emergence of life. There must have been a very deep level of enmeshing while the laws of matter were being conceived. The vacuum of space is filled with energy fluctuations that appear to cancel each other out. According to string theorists, it took 10,000 levels of integration to get from strings to matter. Symmetry built upon super-symmetry, until a singularity came and hatched matter out of sheer energy and mathematics. But from the perspective of Kun, the deep samadhi of world-nurturing is eternal, without beginning or end, regardless of any abrupt leaps into history. Kun always goes further down, preparing the Way, not just for the next breakthrough, but for all future breakthroughs!  

   Of course, we cannot get close to appreciating what Kun has done. We watch the work of nurturance from way up here on our high platforms of the world-tree. We feel the limbs rocking in a storm. We cannot see very far down. Mostly we feel her in our nurturing bonds, in our community. But we see Her interrupted and chopped up by constant new developments, because things are cooking up now on our platform. We play along with the breakthrough, the flash, the happening. Our consciousness is tuned to detect the 1% change against the steady 99% backdrop. But always, and at whatever level, Kun is there knitting transient things together, laying the groundwork for something that will weather the changes, preparing a seedbed for breakthroughs that won’t exhaust themselves on their first try.


                          王浩  中译

by Denis Mair

   It's not easy to address you. There is so much going on within you, yet you present no form. You are the ground under the feet of things. You are not just a neutral featureless groundstuff. Any ground from which things emerge must be fertile. Being fertile means that you have secrets of internal circulation. You have tendrilled rootlets, you have a tangle of fibers like a blanket of horsehair felt. You have interlocking metabolic cycles; you balance thousands of enzyme reactions in homeostasis. How can I start telling about what has already been accomplished---all the things we take as given when we make our departures? You are not some homogenous, dark, passive stuff. You differ according to the platform that has been achieved. You are a quilt made with a hundred patches of cloth, but in sleep we only feel your warmth. You differ in all your ways of mothering us. Sometimes you are the formal matrix, where we solve the new formula or postulate an elegant theorem. When we understand the new theorem, we see it was built into your matrix of rules from the start. Sometimes you enclose us in your incubation chamber, feeding our embryonic ferment with your richness, and isolating us from the storms and shocks outside. When we stay too long, this is not always good for us.

   You are as busy inside as the snow on a television screen. But your snow is not seen, because all the dots follow each other within you. You have completed the community of your inner agents; you have tied the strands of flow together; you have joined the knots into a carpet for our feet.

   You exist as the celtic knot of living fabric. The moment when your labyrinth came together must have been accompanied by a breakthrough of light, but we cannot see past your "darkness." 

   In one of its wonderfully elliptical insights, the BOOK OF CHANGES characterizes you as something "simple" that "clumps together." This simplicity means you are so well woven we come along and simply use you as a fabric. You "clump together" because integration is what you eternally offer.

   The macramé knot of life could not have been tied easily. Normally, in our flashy, fleshly theater of consciousness, we see only a few strands getting tied together. In our theory of evolution, we say they are tied together because they are of use to each other. But the basic metabolism of life is made of thousands of strands. Each strand is an enzyme cycle---a feedback loop that takes energy from metabolites or builds a protein. Each strand depends on the others, but if a loop is not closed, its 95%- complete cycle is useless to the others. Once they were tied together, they became reliable germ plasm for the phylogenetic tree. The coalescence of cellular protoplasm is the hidden prelude to the panoply of evolution that fills niches and expresses a myriad forms. What a flash of light must have accompanied the moment when it came together! So some would say that the living fabric was conceived by Qian the Creative. But looking further toward the source, below that flash of light, what a deep matrix of concentration must have been accomplished to let Nature’s insight flash forth! Below every breakthrough there is a deep Kun matrix of samadhi. Samadhi is the intuitive, imaginary weaving that conceives the eventual weaving of threads. 

   And there is no limit to how deep that samadhi-concentration goes. Below the integration of an individual mind is Nature’s integration that allows intelligent beings to arise. And below that is the great samadhi of the universe that conceived the laws of matter. 

   The substrate of matter is not a collection of neutral building blocks: it is full of countless enabling tricks. The interlocking scheme of elements was a breakthrough that paved the way for emergence of life. There must have been a very deep level of enmeshing while the laws of matter were being conceived. The vacuum of space is filled with energy fluctuations that appear to cancel each other out. According to string theorists, it took 10,000 levels of integration to get from strings to matter. Symmetry built upon super-symmetry, until a singularity came and hatched matter out of sheer energy and mathematics. But from the perspective of Kun, the deep samadhi of world-nurturing is eternal, without beginning or end, regardless of any abrupt leaps into history. Kun always goes further down, preparing the Way, not just for the next breakthrough, but for all future breakthroughs!  

   Of course, we cannot get close to appreciating what Kun has done. We watch the work of nurturance from way up here on our high platforms of the world-tree. We feel the limbs rocking in a storm. We cannot see very far down. Mostly we feel her in our nurturing bonds, in our community. But we see Her interrupted and chopped up by constant new developments, because things are cooking up now on our platform. We play along with the breakthrough, the flash, the happening. Our consciousness is tuned to detect the 1% change against the steady 99% backdrop. But always, and at whatever level, Kun is there knitting transient things together, laying the groundwork for something that will weather the changes, preparing a seedbed for breakthroughs that won’t exhaust themselves on their first try.

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