
作者:罗伯特•哈斯   2018年04月11日 10:36  中国诗歌网    495    收藏


很荣幸也很高兴受邀参加第二届国际诗酒文化大会,与各位共襄盛举,并代表来自俄罗斯、克罗地亚、奥地利、巴西、墨西哥以及美国的诗人们在此发言。首先,我们要感谢泸州市人民政府,感谢泸州老窖股份有限公司,感谢中国作协《诗刊》社、《草堂》诗刊以及华凯信和,感谢你们的盛情邀请和款待。此外,还要对此次会议的工作人员,Ray,Peyton, Bianca以及许许多多的幕后工作者们表示感谢。








It’s my pleasure and honor to be here and speaking represent the foreign poets, visitors from/for each of you, from Russia, from Croatia, from Austria, from Brazil, and from Mexico, and from the United States. We need only first of all tothink the city Luzhou for welcoming us in Chinese culture. The Luzhou Laojiao cooperation for their basic liquor come down journalistic. The federation of arts, Chinese writers, association of the Huakai Xinhe company and all those given us great gifts of being here, I mean we need to especially to thank the young staff of this conference who’s taking care of us, Ray, and Peyton, and Bianca and many others, with their wit, and their intelligence, and their friendships, and it’s right because some more as we got one of them anything even to another, you don’t give up. Especially thank you very much.

And Mr. Jidi Majia who’s been our guide and tell us the shape of imagination of what you’ve seen. Many thanks for your prompts. Let me tell you a little bit of what we’ve seen, we were in Xichang and we got the.

Xichang, we got to see something of the ancient times of Yi culture, and also of the young people include that ancient culture’s still alive, dancing and performing in torch ceremony. Among this ceremony was wedding which our young colleague Gustavo Osorio have become engaged to be married to a Yi girl. And we saw the lake and the wetlands. And in the wetlands, a gray heron among the red blossoms of the palm dragon trees, and the red blossoms of new trees. And we rowed across the lake in a boat as all as Chinese ache. And we saw a gray heron, and they warned this is a bird that 80 millions old, older then idealism China or Europe. It’s taken care of by this intelligent ecological restoration the honestly earth.

And then, next, Luzhou above all, we mixed our own “Baijiu”. And try to see if we can taste the difference between the 3 years old and 5 years old liquor. And to these sours and to that’s in the sours. It can’t imagine we are living where Wangwei, Libai, Dufu once lived. For every poet in the world, from south America, from middle east, from Europe. Those names in touching something like very assive poetry. 

And what he saw in the presider, what I saw in the presider. In all of these phrases with the incredible vitality and energy of modern China. Then end was to the world, the energy and the real incipit culture in the last 50 years. As so I saw old people exercising in parks, and young people go to school in clean ordinary sports clothes. And outdoor markets with tomatoes and bright more choose, apples and bananas. And I thought about Syria. And the violence are cruelty of the world. What a gift or every life is. And how much in the tasks was poetry? To keep alive our gratitude for every life. It’ll resist to bully to power in cruelty of the world. Because the world teaches us not to mind what we can change and it teaches us to forget when we have to. And the job of poetry, this is mind. And you remember, to grace, and laugh, and raise. It keeps you feeling alive in ourselves. And bless the cruelty world.





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