1573 Golden Antelope International Poetry Prize of 2023 is awarded to Mr Mark Tredinnick earmarked for his brave defense of life as well as his acute sense of the environmental failure and human plight, which is what marks out the greatness of this brilliant Australian poet , a staunch conservationist of our time, and a true artist who lives the grains of life in the service of intensifying the expresssiveness of poetic art at large. Jury of 1573 Golden Tibetan Antelope International Poetry PrizeJune,2023
青海湖国际诗歌广场 回归自我与回归自然的又一次胜利——2023年青海湖国际诗歌节“1573金藏羚羊国际诗歌奖”颁奖词Triumphant Return to Self and Nature2023 Qinghai Lake 1573 Golden Tibetan Antelope International Poetry Award Speech 文/青海湖诗歌节“1573金藏羚羊国际诗歌奖”评委会主席 吉狄马加Jidi Majia 澳大利亚诗歌或者说澳大利亚诗人,从更广义的角度讲,他们是英语诗歌世界的一部分,但是这仅仅可能是因为在传统和精神谱系上的联系,才会有人从英语诗歌疆域的整体性上给出这样一个定义。事实上,从19世纪末到20世纪以来的澳大利亚诗歌史的呈现来说,已经由一批完全本土化的卓越诗人,完成了一次既属于创造了新的传统,又极具个人经验并富有地域特色的历史性飞跃。毫无疑问,在这片被海洋和多元文化浸润的广袤的场域,其诗人和诗歌才由此产生了某种全新的属于其自身、亦不可被所谓更大的传统所替代的价值及其独立存在的理由。 Australian poetry, in a broad sense, is often deemed an offshoot of a Great Tradition by Leavisite standards, an assumption justified faintly in terms of linguistic and literary pedigree, but increasingly felt inadequate and untenable as this new nation, directed towards the future, began to forsee, at the turn of the late 19th century that its days of expreesive power and poetic eloquence still lay ahead. True to Providence, well into the 20th century, a host of Australian poets have kept bursting onto the scene , investing in their new speaking registers a character and tone unmistakably Austrailian- a unique continent with a mosaic of biomes, climates, topographies and regions, aborigines, colonising settlement. To anybody who is not deaf to the call of history, here is the bigger reality: thanks to a galaxy of talented bards, Austrailian poetry has grown to manhood and independence, ranking among any major peer body of national imaginative literature, occupying itself with exploring the depth and extent of the spiritual conditions of a people inhabiting this once misunderstood terra nullius. 2023年青海湖诗歌节“1573金藏羚羊国际诗歌奖”评委会主席吉狄马加宣读颁奖词 令我们欣喜的,是当代澳大利亚诗坛近些年崛起了一位令人瞩目的自然主义写作诗人,他就是马克·特雷尼克。其作品深刻地观照着人类的生存环境,并重新审视诸如爱情、死亡、真理、希望、自然、永恒、不朽、信仰等主题。作为一个对万物的生命延续有着生命承诺的真理捍卫者,他的诗歌从一开始就精于使用隐喻和象征,也因为对生命毫无保留、由衷地捍卫,他的写作因而超越了地域、文化、种族的边界,并因此受到这个地球上许多有识之士的认同和赞许。毫无疑问,他是我们这个时代一位真正的自然环保主义者,同时也是一位通过诗歌来捍卫其理想的令人敬畏的诗歌理想主义践行者。 A significant cultural moment presents itself as this jury are brought to the attention of a remarkable poet of nature writing being shot to prominence in recent years, an Australian by the name of Mark Tredinnick. With his trademark apprehension of the ecology, his acute sense of the human plight, Mark develops a considerable thematic range, including the pangs of love, the toils of parenting, the nature of death, eternity, immortality, and faith. He comes to defense of truth and life in all forms, and his poetry is worked up to superb artistry and spiritual plenitude, heightened by his recondite use of metaphor and his erudite evoking of symbolism. But, first and foremost, Mr Tredinnick is a poet with ecopolitical motivation, deeply aware of the consequences of human domination of nature, and firmly in the belief in a role played by poets to bring about a change in the status quo. A notable part of his genius is his poetic sensibilities for the secret life of birds in the highland of Wingecarribee, south of Sidney, observed at an unobtrusive distance, jotted down crisply and proverbially, with his unerring eye for the telling detail and the subtle pennetration that the jury are won over overwhelmingly by Mark’s unreserved and heartfelt defense of life, his art transcending the local and national, the cultural and the ethnic, and his famous grappling with unfamiliary fauna and flora associated with the vast, arid but plentiful continent. 有鉴于此,青海湖国际诗歌节“1573金藏羚羊国际诗歌奖”评委会,决定将2023年青海湖国际诗歌节“1573金藏羚羊国际诗歌奖”,颁发给澳大利亚诗歌的杰出代表——马克·特雷尼克。 And for all his stylistic prowess giving authentic expression of the antipodean landscape, and by the very passion of his eco-commitment to help save things on our planet, Mr Mark Tredinnick deserves our adoration as a staunch conservationist of our time, and a true artist who lives the grains of life in the service of intensifying the expresssiveness of poetic art at large. And in view of the above, the jury of Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival decide to give this year’s trophy, ie, 1573 Golden Tibetan Antelope International Poetry Prize to the gifted representative of Australian poetry - Mark Tredinnick. 2023年6月June,2023
澳大利亚诗人马克·特雷尼克发表获奖感言 2023年青海湖国际诗歌节1573金藏羚羊诗歌奖得主马克·特雷尼克获奖感言 文/马克·特雷尼克 虽然写诗撰文,是我所知道的最孤独的追求——时而令人发狂,时而又令人愉悦——但是写作绝非一人所为。自我是一个与所有自我一起歌唱的合唱团。每个人都是一个由广袤国度哺育的集水器——你的过往,自身的修养,各种继承得来的东西,所有阅读过的书籍,所爱所失,师友,以及你游历过所有的地方。因此,任何奖项的到来都属于那个创作诗歌的水域上游的整个国家。感激和谦卑是唯一恰当的回应。没有所有让你成为现在的你,并写下你所写的人和所有让你成为你自己的人的帮助,诗人一无是处。诗人只是顺手完成了很久以前前贤开始的一个诗节。 此刻,我要特别感激我的父母希瑟和布鲁斯·特雷尼克(Heather and Bruce Tredinnick)。感谢他们的养育之恩,我也要感谢我的伴侣乔迪·威廉斯(Jodie Williams),我取得的任何点滴成就,她都引以自豪,她协助我处理大量琐碎的日常细节,使我得以有时间完成自己的工作。我永远爱他们,和一位诗人朝夕相处,并非总是充满诗意的。我希望我的作品能够体现我对他们的私心。其次,如果我的诗歌没有译成中文,它就不会被中国人读到,也不会引起青海湖国际诗歌节和这个奖项的组织者的注意。我的作品首译,有劳李牧原女士(Isabelle Li)。如果她没有完好地译出我的作品,我的声音就不会传播到贵国。李牧原女士是一位梦想家和艺术家,一位了不起的作家。当然还有李牧原的家人和朋友,他们从未怀疑过她的梦想和艺术,停止支持她,他们一直在她背后默默为她鼓劲加油。对此,当她动手翻译我的作品时,我就有充分的感受。因此,我要感谢李女士的家人和朋友,谢谢你们的支持和鼓励。 最后,我要感谢这个奖项的组委会,感谢你们的勇气,对诗歌的热爱。感谢你们为这个世界构筑一个诗歌的家园,一个可以将所有人的声音和经历带入其中的地方。我相信,正是通过这种包容和尊重的精神,我们才能真正实现诗歌的公正,以及与之相关的正义。谢谢大家! 诗人吉狄马加和马克·特雷尼克(右)在颁奖现场 我获颁的这个奖项,在众多诗歌奖项中,可能拥有世界上最可爱的名称。它不是为了表彰一个城市、一个银行或一个恩主,比如生产铁丝网的制造商而设立的。它表彰了一个唤作藏羚羊的动物及其栖息地,这是一种高寒高原特有的美丽生物。外形状似普通的小型牛科动物,适应恶劣环境,生活在如画般的青藏高原的荒漠和山谷地带。藏羚羊因其珍贵的“沙图什”(shahtoosh)羊绒遭到偷猎,几乎濒临灭绝,其绒毛被印度、波斯和中国的披肩制造商视为稀世珍品。舍弃保护自己在寒冷地区生存的皮毛,甚至舍弃生命本身,以便让一些人以生命为代价编织出精美的婚纱披肩,这是一种多么可怕而高贵的命运。尽管中国政府于1997年在青海建立了一个国家保护区来拯救藏羚羊免于灭绝,但这种珍贵的小型生物在世界上的地位依旧岌岌可危,其未来依旧叵测不定。 所有这一切使藏羚羊成为诗歌的完美隐喻,诗歌总是濒临危险,靠少数人的奉献和爱心得以延续,它是生命坚持自己的一个有韧性的例证,以及美在极端稀缺的条件下如何繁荣的例证。里尔克曾致信告诫年轻诗人们“相信困难的事物”,藏羚羊正是这种值得我们信赖的“困难的事物”。正如藏羚羊本身一样,青海省的人民也相信如何在逆境中保护这种动物并让它继续留存于世。一首诗,一个诗人何尝不是如此?每一个诗歌奖项的赞助人何尝不是如此?因为你们都信赖诗歌,努力促进世界各地诗人之间的友谊,尽管有形形色色推动国家分离的紧张局势环伺,还有不怀好意的政治力量在作祟。 对我个人而言,这个诗歌奖以一种表彰某一地貌的表现形式命名,令我十分惬意。因为我相信,如同罗伯特·布林赫斯特(Robert Bringhurst)和吉狄马加(Jidi Majia)确信的那样,诗歌是说出并表达某一地域的途径。诗歌是一种生态实践,一种提醒人类归属、低首和依赖自然秩序的方式。通过活生生,哺乳动物独有的语言,诗歌使我们潜入到属于人类特性的心灵深层,换言之,把我们再次还原为河流、海洋、高原和动物。因此,获得一个以诗歌、国家、土地和动物命名的奖项,不才如我,何其幸哉!在座的诸位,和我一道,置身同一合唱团,引吭高歌。