/A world in a wild flower, and a bodhi in a leaf.
——游兴安/ You Xing’an.
打破了水晶似的光明/Broke the crystalline light.
这炽热如玫瑰的生命/ This fiery life like a rose.
我虽祈求生命之节奏/ Although I pray for the rhythm of life.
怯如那微月的光/ Cowardly like the light of the moon.
无心的期许/ Unintentional expectations.
是萍水汇成的一条幽径/ It is like duckweed water converging into a secluded path..
还是在梦中的流水/ Still running water in a dream.
是我生命的泉源/ It is the source of my life.
不曾将我的心灵污抹/ I have never stained my heart.
这声音,是沁入心底的梦幻/ This sound is a dream from the bottom of my heart.
我虽祈求生命之颜色/ Although I pray for the color of life.
却又在梦里着迷/ But I'm fascinated in my dream.
这太阳是梦里的灵魂/ The sun is the soul of the dream.
注视着装饰动人心魄的心之力量/ Looking at the power of decorating a touching heart.
只在弥满天空里光亮明灭/ It only shines when the smoke permeates the sky.
那里有我生命的春雨/ There is the spring rain of my life there.
忽然发觉了人们逝去的面孔/ Suddenly I found people's dead faces.
往日的流水忽然映照着它们/ The running water of the past suddenly reflected on them.
这水中有他们熟悉又陌生的往常/ There are familiar and strange common things in this water.
吹来这墓中人的梦里光景/ Blowing into the dream of the people in this tomb.
深眠着这飘泊天空中的一片/ Sleep deeply in this floating sky.
人生也不过星河一晚/ Life is just like a night in the Milky Way.
装饰着大地者的心/ Decorated by the hearts of the earth.
在这世界的最后一眼/ The last glance in this world.
2022.7.17/ July 17, 2022
/A world in a wild flower, and a bodhi in a leaf.
——游兴安/ You Xing’an.
打破了水晶似的光明/Broke the crystalline light.
这炽热如玫瑰的生命/ This fiery life like a rose.
我虽祈求生命之节奏/ Although I pray for the rhythm of life.
怯如那微月的光/ Cowardly like the light of the moon.
无心的期许/ Unintentional expectations.
是萍水汇成的一条幽径/ It is like duckweed water converging into a secluded path..
还是在梦中的流水/ Still running water in a dream.
是我生命的泉源/ It is the source of my life.
不曾将我的心灵污抹/ I have never stained my heart.
这声音,是沁入心底的梦幻/ This sound is a dream from the bottom of my heart.
我虽祈求生命之颜色/ Although I pray for the color of life.
却又在梦里着迷/ But I'm fascinated in my dream.
这太阳是梦里的灵魂/ The sun is the soul of the dream.
注视着装饰动人心魄的心之力量/ Looking at the power of decorating a touching heart.
只在弥满天空里光亮明灭/ It only shines when the smoke permeates the sky.
那里有我生命的春雨/ There is the spring rain of my life there.
忽然发觉了人们逝去的面孔/ Suddenly I found people's dead faces.
往日的流水忽然映照着它们/ The running water of the past suddenly reflected on them.
这水中有他们熟悉又陌生的往常/ There are familiar and strange common things in this water.
吹来这墓中人的梦里光景/ Blowing into the dream of the people in this tomb.
深眠着这飘泊天空中的一片/ Sleep deeply in this floating sky.
人生也不过星河一晚/ Life is just like a night in the Milky Way.
装饰着大地者的心/ Decorated by the hearts of the earth.
在这世界的最后一眼/ The last glance in this world.
2022.7.17/ July 17, 2022