We are very pleased to inform you, the distinguished Spanish poet, Antonio Gamoneda that you have been awarded the European Medal of Poetry and Art HOMER by the Chapter decision.
“To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
—Alfred Tennyson, Ulysses. 1942
Homer is the father of European and world culture, and his two great epics—the Iliad and the Odyssey— are the foundation of literature, the eternal inspiration for art and culture. The blind singer left a message of universality and built monuments, which are not dashed by centuries. Visions of this great creator had the power of flames and ignited the imagination from antiquity to the present. Thus, a great heritage group of worldwide artists was called into existence, September 2015, in Brussels, to inaugurate the European Medal of Poetry and Art. Medal recipients were artists from USA, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Brazil, Peru, China, etc..
The European Medal of Poetry and Art, HOMER, will be awarded to outstanding creators in the world of literature and the visual arts. A jury will award the artists, whose works will be, with simplicity and beauty, universal messages to the world, reflecting the ancient patterns. The most important category is the level of artistry and the power of transmission, so that subsequent winners may enrich the pantheon of their spiritual father, Homer.
The members of the Chapter wish to emphasize the importance of your poetry for contemporary Spanish culture and the whole world. You belong to some of the greatest poets of our time.
With a lifetime devoted to poetry, Antonio Gamoneda, who will be 90 years old next year, is today one of the most celebrated poets in the Spanish language, his work placing him in the upper reaches of contemporary poetry. As a poet working against the current of previous aesthetic generations, he has made work which is a model of ethical rigor and a life of exemplary civil behavior. It is the human condition that presides over his literary thinking from the beginning: the instant of the person facing time, the dizziness of duration and the innocence of merely existing. Equally, in his work we find a dignified and enthusiastic resistance to the vicissitudes of history. His praise of freedom is, at the same time, the praise of justice and beauty, the imperishable forms of nobility of spirit. As if from a spring of underground water his poetry arises, light coming from darkness, a darkness painful in its roots and memories, dynamized by the experience of a lifetime. Antonio Gamoneda's poetics bring into play on the platform of reality and dreams the principle of a pure passion, the search for an internalized reason that gives meaning to the perceptions of exteriority, the inexorable passage of time, the poem as the flesh and blood of language, the challenge of the avant-garde as access to the intangible, poetic truth as a revelation of "a higher light." The immense value of the Gamonedian life work resides not only in its uniqueness, but in the openness to the meanings of the future, the future as an intellectual challenge, and the most valuable legacy of the treasures of the human spirit. In a forest of symbols, in a sea of new and renovating images, love and passion coexist in his work: civil struggle for the right to happiness, the memory of the disappeared, the solace of fraternity, critical and philosophical thought and the choral voices of a world that has made the denial of evil its main cause. Antonio Gamoneda's work is a monumental testimony of poetic truth, a profound and elemental victory over pain and death, the legacy of a man through whose words we can still see, feel, hear the beauty with which the existence of the poetic protects the world.
(Con toda una vida entregado a la poesía, Antonio Gamoneda, que el próximo año cumplirá los 90 años, es hoy uno de poetas más unánimemente reconocidos de la lengua castellana, y un máximo y prestigioso referente de la poesía contemporánea. Un poeta a contracorriente de las generaciones estéticas que ha hecho de su obra un modelo de rigor y consecuencia ética, y de su vida una ejemplar conducta civil. Es la condición humana la que preside desde su inicio la reflexión de su literatura, el instante de la persona enfrentando al tiempo, los vértigos de la duración y la inocencia del existir; también al desafío de la dignidad y al entusiasmo de su resistencia frente a los avatares de la Historia. Su elogio de la libertad es a la vez de la justicia y la belleza como formas imperecederas de la nobleza de espíritu. Como de un manantial de aguas subterráneas surge su poesía, clara desde la oscuridad, dolorosa en sus raíces y recuerdos, imantada por la experiencia de toda una vida. La poética de Antonio Gamoneda pone en juego sobre el tablero de la realidad y los sueños el principio de una pasión pura, la búsqueda de una razón que interiorizada dé sentido a las percepciones de la exterioridad, el paso inexorable del tiempo, el poema como cuerpo y sangre del lenguaje, el desafío de las vanguardia como acceso a lo intangible, la verdad poética como revelación de “una más alta luz”. El valor inmenso de la obra gamonediana reside ya no solo en su singularidad, sino en la apertura hacia los significados del porvenir, la conciencia y la nostalgia del futuro como desafío intelectual, y el legado más valioso de los tesoros del espíritu humano. En un bosque de símbolos, en un mar de nuevas y renovadoras imágenes, en su obra convive el amor y la pasión, la lucha civil por el derecho a la felicidad, la memoria de los desaparecidos, la madre y los árboles de la fraternidad, el pensamiento crítico y filosófico y las voces corales de un mundo que ha hecho de la negación del mal su principal causa. La obra de Antonio Gamoneda es un monumental testimonio de verdad poética, profunda y elemental victoria sobre el dolor y la muerte, legado de un hombre a través de cuyas palabras aún podemos ver, sentir, oír la belleza con la que la otra existencia de lo poético ampara al mundo.)
President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER
Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER
Vice President of European Medal of Poetry And Art HOMER
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